Dal/King's Bike Center Bike Loans


Thank you for your interest in our free rental service!
Here is some information that may be helpful, especially if this is your first time using our new booking system:
Bookings are seven days in duration from pickup to drop-off.
Loan periods run from Friday - Thursday 12pm or Tuesday - Monday 12pm.
No double booking. There are only so many bikes and we want to share them throughout the community. During less busy seasons as it gets colder there may be less interest in bikes and in which case you can wait until the 5th day of your loan period and if the bike is still availble then you may rebook. The bike must still be returned for check up before being taken back out.
You can book up to 14 days in advance and no less then 24hr before
Our service is limited to the Dal/King's community:
You must use/provide your dal email (xxxxxxx@dal.ca) and B00# while booking through this site in order to be approved.

You must complete waivers in order to use this service, for our liability as well as yours.Bikes must be picked up during Centre hours: Bikes can be picked up at anytime when the centre is open; either during the afternoon it is scheduled to be picked up or any other day/time the centre is open during your rental period.Picking up late does not mean you can return a bike late.Bikes must be returned Monday or Thursday depending on your selected time slot.Returning BikesYou can return your bike asynchronously using our key return mailslot, or directly to us during our open hours.This can be done anytime during your rental period up until 12pm (noon) on the day of your scheduled return.If the bike is returned after 12pm on your sceduled day, late fees of 5$/day will be strictly enforced in order to ensure users do not abuse this student-funded and free to use service.If you might be late returning your bike or the scheduled return time does not work with your schedule: contact us via email (bikectr@dal.ca) or by phone (902-494-8345) as early as possible and we can arrange an earlier return.

Using the Loan Form

-select size of bike according to your height
-select a bike by selecting a ‘Staff’ (choose ‘anyone’ if no preference)
-select pickup date from available options. You have a choice between a Tuesday - Monday or Friday - Thursday loan period. (The three hour slot you select while booking is changed automatically to 7 days once you have completed the waiver & your booking is approved.)
-select pickup time (this is software flaw and does not limit you to this pick up time, a bike can be picked up during any time the centre is open on the day or days after your selected pickup day. Most update centre hours down below.)
-complete remainder of form
-After completing this form you will receive a confirmation email, followed shortly by an email including a waiver.
*You must sign the waiver before the final confirmation of your booking*
-pickup the bike and enjoy your free rental!
-return bike on or before 12pm on the scheduled day!
For group and/or advance bookings:
Contact us directly via email : bikectr@dal.ca
Now that you’ve read everything go to the following link to book.